ISIC Scholar Card


The ISIC (International Student Identity Card) is the only globally recognised document proving your student status and the ISIC Scholar is a version for pupils of primary schools. The card is issued by the world ISIC Association under the endorsement of UNESCO. All holders of an ISIC Scholar card can draw the same benefits as holders of ISIC cards in nearly 100 countries worldwide.  

You can obtain an ISIC Scholar card through your school or online on our website.

What are the advantages of an ISIC Scholar card?

  • ISIC Scholar is accepted by a number of institutions and in public transport as proof of a student’s age.
  • The pupil and the entire family can enjoy a range of benefits in nearly 100 countries worldwide. There are more than 2,000 points offering benefits in the Czech Republic alone.
  • School issued cards also serve as a chip card for school systems (entry to the building, school dining hall, library).
  • With the Alive App you always have the card and its benefits on hand in your mobile phone.

Who is entitled to an ISIC Scholar card?

Pupils of primary schools in the Czech Republic, which are registered in the register of schools and school facilities (only in Czech language), can obtain an ISIC Scholar card.

Who cannot obtain an ISIC Scholar card?

  • Students of grammar schools (six or eight-year gymnasium) (who can apply for a standard ISIC card)
  • Students of schools not registered in the register of schools and school facilities, available here (only in Czech language).

You will find details about the entitlement to an ISIC Scholar card in the Rules for obtaining and using ISIC Scholar (4.3.3) (only in Czech language).

Where can you obtain an ISIC Scholar card?

ISIC Scholar is often issued by schools as a school ID card with an ISIC licence. If your school does not issue it, you can obtain a single-use ISIC Scholar, which you can easily order online.

What documents do you need to obtain an ISIC Scholar card?

To order a single-use ISIC Scholar card you will need:

  • A photograph suitable for an ID card (colour portrait, minimum 450 x 540 pixels)
  • Pupil’s proof of identification (ID card, passport, insurance card, birth certificate) and also your legal guardian’s proof of identification if you are younger than 15 years
  • There is no need for confirmation that you are studying.

You can obtain information about the documents you need for school ISIC Scholar cards from the contact person at your school.

How much does ISIC Scholar cost?

The price of the school ISIC Scholar card may differ, the contact person at your school will provide you with the exact information.

The price of a single-use ISIC Scholar card (can be purchased online) is CZK 400 for a digital card and CZK 100 for an additional plastic card.

How long is the ISIC Scholar card valid for?

The school ISIC Scholar card can be valid for up to 5 years. Validity always begins in September and is limited by the duration of your school attendance. Pupils in the first year will therefore have their ISIC Scholar until the end of the fifth year, the ISIC Scholar card of ninth-year pupils will only be valid for one year. So find out if your school issues the cards.

The single-use ISIC Scholar card is always valid from the beginning of September of one year until the end of December of the following year. You cannot extend its validity – you must obtain a new card online when its expiration date draws near.

Digital ISIC Scholar

Nová podoba digitálních průkazů online

Download the Alive App to get a digital version of the card. You will have all the benefits always at hand.

Does your school issue an ISIC Scholar card?

Find out whether you can apply for a school ISIC Scholar card under advantageous conditions at the school you attend. Simply enter the name of the school or its address in the field.

Have you found your school listed? Then you’re in luck, contact your school and apply for a card at school.  

Your school is not listed? Never mind, you can purchase a card online. 

Get a single-issue card

Order card online

Ordering a card online is quick and easy. You can get your digital card within 24 hours from making an order.

Digital ISIC Scholar

Download your card to your mobile phone and keep ISIC Scholar and all its benefits always at hand.