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We recognise our responsibility for the world we live in today and will live in tomorrow.<br /> Our coffees are sustainably sourced, bringing rare specialty coffees from small coffee farms as well as our own unique blends that guarantee the perfect coffee experience. </p> <p> </p> káva kavárna jídlo občerstvení Espresso for 39 CZK <p>Use the discount by scanning the verification sticker using the <a href="">Alive App</a>. The sticker can be found at the checkout.</p> Bars Caffè Crema for 45 Kč <p>Use the discount by scanning the verification sticker using the <a href="">Alive App</a>. The sticker can be found at the checkout.</p> Bars Small Cappuccino for 55 CZK <p>Use the discount by scanning the verification sticker using the <a href="">Alive App</a>. The sticker can be found at the checkout.</p> Bars Packaged drink Mazagrande or Coffizz for 35 CZK <p>Use the discount by scanning the verification sticker using the <a href="">Alive App</a>. The sticker can be found at the checkout.</p> Bars 20% discount on other drinks at the coffee bar <p>Use the discount by scanning the verification sticker using the <a href="">Alive App</a>. The sticker can be found at the checkout.</p> <p>Discount cannot be applied to other brands.</p> Bars small Latte Macchiato for 65 CZK <p>Use the discount by scanning the verification sticker using the <a href="">Alive App</a>. The sticker can be found at the checkout.</p> Bars Special menu for 99 CZK <p>Espresso or café crema with a choice of cake/cake according to the current offer.</p> Bars Special menu for 99 CZK <p>Espresso or café crema with a choice of cake/cake according to the current offer.</p> Bars LETNÁ PRAHA LETNÁ PRAHA Milady Horákové 1071/71 PRAHA 7 170 00 50.0998545, 14.4239563 OC FUTURUM OC FUTURUM Brněnská 23a Hradec Králové 500 09 50.1970968, 15.8490768 WESTFIELD CHODOV WESTFIELD CHODOV Roztylská ul. 2321/19 PRAHA 4 148 00 50.0320692, 14.4909962 GALERIE VAŇKOVKA GALERIE VAŇKOVKA Ve Vaňkovce 1 BRNO 602 00 49.188322, 16.6148264 METROPOLE ZLIČÍN METROPOLE ZLIČÍN Řevnická 121/1 PRAHA 5 155 21 50.0528791, 14.2905495 NC ČEPKOV NC ČEPKOV Tyršovo nábřeží 5496 ZLÍN 760 01 49.2294043, 17.662276 NC EDEN NC EDEN U Slavie 1527/3 PRAHA 10 100 00 50.0679615, 14.4690447 OC ARKÁDY PRAHA OC ARKÁDY PRAHA Na Pankráci 1727/86 PRAHA 4 140 00 50.0509039, 14.4382785 OC BREDA & WEINSTEIN OC BREDA & WEINSTEIN U Fortny 49/10 OPAVA 746 01 49.9402978, 17.8996809 OC CENTRAL MOST OC CENTRAL MOST Radniční 3400 MOST 434 01 50.501394, 13.6400008 BONDY CENTRUM BONDY CENTRUM tř. Václava Klementa 1459 Mladá Boleslav 293 01 50.4138615, 14.9086537 NC FÉNIX NC FÉNIX Freyova 945/35 PRAHA 190 00 50.1099205, 14.5016227 GALERIE HARFA GALERIE HARFA Českomoravská 15a PRAHA 190 00 50.1038245, 14.4912498 OC DBK OC DBK Budějovická 1667/64 PRAHA 4 140 00 50.0437773, 14.4491012 OC FORUM OC FORUM Bílinská 3490/6 ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM 400 01 50.6587286, 14.0399313 AVION SHOPPING PARK AVION SHOPPING PARK Rudná 114 OSTRAVA 700 30 49.8016809, 18.2308145 OC LETŇANY OC LETŇANY Veselská 663 PRAHA 9 190 00 50.1370215, 14.5013387 OC NISA LIBEREC OC NISA LIBEREC České Mládeže 456 LIBEREC 460 03 50.7414746, 15.0490843 OC OLYMPIA PLZEŇ OC OLYMPIA PLZEŇ Písecká 972/1 PLZEŇ 326 00 49.7010597, 13.425847 OC QUADRIO OC QUADRIO Spálená 2121/22 PRAHA 1 110 00 50.0810484, 14.4195429 OC VARYÁDA OC VARYÁDA Kpt. Jaroše 375/31 KARLOVY VARY 360 06 50.2271815, 12.8411165 GALERIE BUTOVICE GALERIE BUTOVICE Radlická 117 PRAHA 5 158 00 50.0486301, 14.3552339 VIVO! HOSTIVAŘ VIVO! HOSTIVAŘ Švehlova 1391/32 PRAHA 10 102 00 50.05312, 14.5176743 AUPARK HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ AUPARK HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ Gočárova třída 1754/48 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 500 02 50.212314, 15.8113733 MASARYKOVA UL. MASARYKOVA UL. Masarykova ulice 444 BRNO 602 00 49.1938462, 16.6093288 OLYMPIA BRNO OLYMPIA BRNO U Dálnice 777 BRNO 664 42 49.1376773, 16.6326052 ATRIUM FLORA ATRIUM FLORA Vinohradská 2828/151 PRAHA 3 130 00 50.0782613, 14.4613023 ATRIUM PALÁC PARDUBICE ATRIUM PALÁC PARDUBICE Masarykovo nám. 2799 PARDUBICE 530 02 50.0368065, 15.7688305 CENTRUM ČERNÝ MOST CENTRUM ČERNÝ MOST Chlumecká 765/6 PRAHA 9 198 19 50.108647, 14.5850326 DOC MERCURY DOC MERCURY Nádražní 1759 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 370 01 48.9728826, 14.4874979 FASHION ARENA PRAGUE OUTLET FASHION ARENA PRAGUE OUTLET Zamenhofova 440 PRAHA 10 108 00 50.0739786, 14.5390929 FORUM LIBEREC FORUM LIBEREC Soukenné 669/2A LIBEREC 460 01 50.76566, 15.0558315 GALERIE ŠANTOVKA GALERIE ŠANTOVKA Polská 1201/1 OLOMOUC 779 00 49.5879007, 17.2571632 IGY CENTRUM IGY CENTRUM Pražská 1247/24 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 370 04 48.9840634, 14.4726222 NC CITYPARK JIHLAVA NC CITYPARK JIHLAVA Hradební 5440/1 JIHLAVA 586 01 49.3925394, 15.5933539 FORUM NOVÁ KAROLINA FORUM NOVÁ KAROLINA Jantarová 4 OSTRAVA 702 00 49.830815, 18.284999 OC NOVO PLAZA OC NOVO PLAZA Novodvorská 1800/136 PRAHA 4 142 00 50.0266804, 14.4329403 CENTRAL KLADNO CENTRAL KLADNO Petra Bezruče 3388 KLADNO 272 01 50.1422731, 14.1012708 CENTRUM KRAKOV CENTRUM KRAKOV Lodžská 850/6 PRAHA 8 181 00 50.1276569, 14.4175862 FUTURUM OSTRAVA FUTURUM OSTRAVA Novinářská 3178/6a OSTRAVA 702 00 49.8325496, 18.2639274 Tchibo Outlet Arena Moravia Tchibo Outlet Arena Moravia Hlučínská 1174 Ostrava 70200 49.859929, 18.257489 Top Card verification You must verify the validity of your ID card to receive the discount. Card number Incorrect ID number format. Name Error Check the validity Card verification was not successful. Card verification was not successful. Service unavailable. Unfortunately, according to the data entered, we could not find any card or the card is not valid. Unfortunately, you are not eligible for this discount with your card. The service is temporarily unavailable. Please repeat the action later. Make sure you filled in your name and card number as they are stated on your card. Check the validity of your card. If you are unsure, please contact us at the contact details listed at the top of the page. Try again